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COVID-19: Infection Control Measures
Apr 29, 2023
Out of consideration for our patients who choose to mask for protection from COVID-19, your therapist will match your preference and mask for your appointment.
For patients that are at higher risk, or are caregivers to individuals that are at higher risk for complications of COVID-19, Cornerstone will supply kn95 masks for the patient and therapist.
Masks are otherwise not mandatory for patients or staff.
July 27, 2022
All Cornerstone Physiotherapy staff members will be masked when patients are present in our clinics. However, for our patients, masking is a personal choice and we respect your decision whether you choose to wear a mask or not.
June 9, 2022
As of June 11, 2022, face masks will no longer be required in physiotherapy clinics in Ontario. However, if you choose to continue wearing a face mask at your appointments, your therapist will respect your decision by also wearing a face mask, no questions asked.
If you have any questions or concerns, we’d love to help. You can contact us at (416) 363-1975 or email [email protected].
Apr 25, 2022
The Ministry of Health has extended the COVID-19 mask mandates that were set to expire on Apr 27, 2022. At this time, physiotherapy clinics will be required to keep mask wearing policies for staff and patients in place until June 11, 2022. We ask that you please continue entering our clinics with your masks on at this time.
For all patients, please reschedule your appointment if the following applies to you:
1) Do you have any of the following symptoms?
• Fever or chills
• Worsening of cough or new onset of cough
• Shortness of breath
• Loss of taste or smell
• >18 years old: unexplained fatigue, malaise, muscle aches
• <18 years old: nausea/vomiting, diarrhea
2) Have you been told you should be isolating? Or did not pass Ontario’s online screening tool?
Mar 11, 2022
Ontario’s Ministry of Health has just announced updates to its COVID-19 restrictions and policies to take effect on March 14 and March 21 including guidelines regarding face mask usage.
Though general mask mandates will be lifted in most settings, physiotherapy clinics are required to keep mask wearing policies in place. We ask that you please continue entering our clinics with your masks on at this time.
We will provide updates as soon as we receive any changes from our College of Physiotherapists and our local and provincial health units.
Jan 3, 2022
As Physiotherapy Clinics have been deemed essentials services, we remain open.
We continue to closely follow the changing guidelines provided by Ontario’s Ministry of Health, our local Health Units, and our College of Physiotherapists.
Our clinicians are all fully vaccinated.
In the event of an exposure to Covid-19, all Cornerstone staff are strictly adhering to the isolation guidelines provided by the province.
Your safety is our top concern, and we continue to wear level 3 masks, physically distance and appropriately disinfect surfaces among other measures previously noted below.
We are also pleased to offer you a virtual telehealth option to your physiotherapy appointment.
Sept 2021 – Covid Screening Update
Please note that our Screening Questions have been updated as per the requirement of the Ministry of Health.
1) Have you received your 2nd vaccination < 14 days ago?
if NO, answer questions 2) to 5)
if YES, answer questions 2) to 3)
2) Do you have any of the following symptoms?
• Fever or chills
• Worsening of cough or new onset of cough
• Shortness of breath
• Loss of taste or smell
• >18 years old: unexplained fatigue, malaise, muscle aches
• <18 years old: nausea/vomiting, diarrhea
3) Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days or have been told you should be isolating?
4) Have you travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days?
5) Have you had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 without wearing appropriate PPE?
If you answer YES to questions 2) to 5), then please let us know.
Apr 7, 2021 Clinic Update
The province of Ontario will be entering a third phase of restrictions on Apr 8, 2021. Physiotherapy clinics are continuing to be permitted to remain open during this time. We are pleased to announce that all of our clinics are open and operating as per our usual hours and service offerings.
We are continuing to closely monitor all communications and guidelines from our health advisors and our College of Physiotherapists, and we will adapt our operations as required. Please check back here for future status updates.
How Cornerstone Physiotherapy is keeping our staff and patients safe.
The safety of our patients and staff is our top priority. Cornerstone is committed to rigorous infection control to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while providing the rehabilitation services that our communities desperately need.

- We have reduced the number of patients that are booked into our therapists’ schedules and added blocked time between each appointment. This results in fewer people in the clinic and allows time between appointments for our staff to thoroughly disinfect their work-spaces.
- Intake forms are emailed to patients prior to the time of the appointment. Patients are asked to email back completed forms.
- Our patients are requested to come to their appointments unaccompanied unless medically necessary (e.g. severe dizziness, vision-impaired, minors, requires an interpreter etc.)
- Our waiting rooms have chairs spaced 2 metres apart and non-essential items such as magazine stands and phone chargers have been removed.
- Patients are asked to wait in their cars, in the hallways outside of the clinic, or in building lobbies. They are called to enter the clinic when their therapist is ready.
- The front doors to clinics with entries inside of buildings, will remain propped open to minimize the touching of door handles.
- 6 foot plexi-glass barriers have been installed providing physical separation at the reception counters
- Payments for appointments are contactless. We securely store payment information and our patients’ insurance billing information is received and sent digitally.
- Patients are informed that they will not be permitted to attend our clinic if they have had symptoms consistent with Covid-19 in the 14 days prior to the time of their appointment.
- Our patients are screened as they enter our clinic for symptoms consistent with Covid-19.
- Cornerstone staff members are required to stay home if they have symptoms consistent with Covid-19 and notify management immediately.
- All patients are required to wear face masks or comparable face covering (scarves, bandanas) to enter our clinics
- All Cornerstone staff members are required to wear face masks while working
- All patients are informed of our infection control procedures at the time they are booking their appointments.
- Prior to their first appointment at our clinic, patients will receive a call reminding them of our PPE and screening requirements.
- Our appointment reminder emails and our websites and other online business listings will clearly highlight this messaging as well.
- All surfaces in contact with patients are cleaned after use (e.g. reception counters, payment transaction machines, treatment tables, rehab equipment, chairs etc)
- Our clinics ONLY use Health Canada approved sanitization and disinfection products. These include:
- Cavicide Disinfectant DIN # 02161656
- Cavi Wipes DIN # 02242209
- Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer DIN # 80072316
- Purell Instant Hand Sanitizing Foam DIN # 80002892
- Zytec Germ Buster Sanitizer DIN # 80015624
- Purdoux Ethanol Hand Sanitizer DIN # 80100029
- Ecological Hand Sanitizer DIN # 02498138
*note: due to the shortage of disinfecting supplies, we may substitute the above for other Health Canada approved products.
- Our therapists clean hands (soap and water, or alcohol-based hand sanitizer) after each patient’s appointment
- We follow a prophylactic cleaning schedule where all commonly touched surfaces are disinfected regularly.
- Our staff avoid sharing equipment and tools (e.g. computers, phones, desks, treatment rooms)
- Strict cleaning/disinfecting protocols are in place for working shift changes