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Woman sitting on the gym floor examining her right lower leg while concerned friends try to help
Woman sitting on the gym floor examining her right lower leg while concerned friends try to help
Woman sitting on the gym floor examining her right lower leg while concerned friends try to help

by Adam Brown
updated July 17, 2020

Fitness clubs and gyms are one of our greatest providers of patients. Follow these tips to ensure you’re avoiding injury at the gym.

1) Get Advice

If you are not sure how to do a lift, or if you should do a lift at all, ask for advice from a trusted pro. Usually, gyms keep a few trainers around. These are the people you should seek. Do not assume that the muscular person beside you has the right technique.

Walking through the gym is an interesting exercise of restraint for a physiotherapist. At every turn, we can see our future patients headed toward injury. Make sure you do not start to copy someone else’s bad habits.

2) Increase Weight Slowly

Never increase your maximum weight for a lift by more than 10%. This helps to ensure that your muscles, bones and ligaments can handle the increased stress without failing.

3) Be Yourself

It seems that everyone is trying to do Olympic lifts these days. If you are not a highly trained athlete who has received extensive coaching then take a pass and start out lower.

4) Rest Is A Critical Part Of Your Routine

Do not assume that, because your muscles feel okay, you don’t need to rest. Even though you cannot feel it, our bones, ligaments and cartilage require recovery time too!

5) Seek Help Early To Recover Faster

If you find yourself in pain, book an appointment to see us before it becomes a bigger problem. We can often make a few simple adjustments to your routine or form that can keep you on track with your workout routine.

Adam Brown

Adam Brown        MClScPT
Registered Physiotherapist

Adam is an orthopaedic physiotherapist known for his proactive and preventative approach to injury management. He is an avid fitness enthusiast with a keen interest in functional fitness routines.


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